[Others] 2021/01/21
Taiwan Textile Federation Joins Sustainable Apparel Coalition

Taiwan Textile Federation (TTF) announces that it has joined the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC). With its membership in the SAC, Taiwan Textile Federation joins more than 250 global brands, retailers, and manufacturers, as well as government, non-profit environmental organizations, and academic institutions, which are collectively committed to improving supply chain sustainability in the apparel, footwear, and textile industry.

The Higg Index, which measures sustainability performance and drives supply chain transparency and decision-making to improve efficiency and sustainability impact. The Higg Index is an indicator-based suite of tools that may enable Taiwan suppliers, manufacturers, brands, and retailers to evaluate materials, products, facilities, and processes based on environmental performance, social labor practices, and product design choices.

 “We welcome the addition of Taiwan Textile Federation to the Sustainable Apparel Coalition and look forward to its participation in this industry-wide effort in sustainability,” SAC Executive Director Amina Razvi said. “Having Taiwan Textile Federation as part of the Coalition widens the scope of our impact within the industry and accelerates the change we’re making towards responsible industry actions.”

Companies or organizations that are not currently members of the SAC and are interested in accessing the Higg suite of tools, may inquire at

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